
Fotos vom Karnevals-Auftakt: Narren übernehmen Rathäuser in Grimma, Groitzsch, Geithain & Co

Costume Collection

Photos from the Carnival Kickoff

Grimma, Groitzsch, Geithain & Co: Jesters take over town halls

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Tanzeinlage der Kleinen Garde in Groitzsch: Der Groitzscher Karnevalsclub (GCC) startete auf dem Marktplatz in seine 59. Saison. Viele Faschingsfreunde waren dabei.
© Quelle: Jens Paul Taubert

Article listen • 9 minutes

Carnival Kickoff in Various Towns

In Grimma and Groitzsch, Geithain and Pegau, as well as many other places in the district of Leipzig, the carnival kickoff was celebrated. Click here for the picture gallery.

Ekkehard Schulreich, und Frank Schmidt, Mathias Bierende12.11.2023, 13:42 Uhr

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Celebrating Carnival

Grimma/Groitzsch/Geithain/Pegau/Wurzen/Trebsen/Kitzen. All power to the jesters: In Grimma and Groitzsch, Geithain and Pegau – and in many other places in the Leipzig district, they took over the stage at 11:11 on Saturday. Hundreds of fans were there. Click here for the picture gallery.